Unshackle yourself from
drowning in to-do lists

Take15, reset your day, work smarter and take control
Take15 is designed for business owners and leaders on the edge of burnout,
who need help managing their workload. 

I will help you to work smarter, maximise productivity, and walk in and out of the office with renewed vigour. 

You will rediscover your love for what you do, and your passion for doing it!

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The idea of being ‘happy at work’ can be a vague, shapeless thing people like to talk about, but very few people seem to attain.

Feeling overwhelmed and working from a place of panicked pressure appears to be the new normal. There never seems enough hours in a day to get everything done. Much less having time for yourself, or even dreaming about spending time with those you love.

Rushed by the weight of your endless to-do list, it’s easy to finish work each day feeling like you’re not succeeding and you’re never going to get there.

  • Is your business starting to feel like a ball and chain?
  • Despite working long hours, you finish work dissatisfied because you’re not achieving anything?
  • Do you feel flat, tired, and stressed at the thought of being ‘found out’ as an imposter?

Congratulations, you're human!

You’re not alone in feeling like this, and most importantly, you don’t have to feel this way.

Take off the superhero-business-owner mask and take a deep breath.

Every day brings a chance to reset, start again and work smarter.


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It's time to reset.
Be present. Be productive.

That's where Take15 comes in.

Imagine achieving your goals and managing your workload with confidence. Starting each day feeling happier and more in control, all of the while boosting your productivity and finishing work on time!

Imagine if you could reset every single day. Did I mention making time for yourself, your loved ones, and finally having a work-life balance that some people dream of.

When you Take15, empowered self-management can start today.

Helen’s coaching and Take 15 has changed the way I leave work. I now feel like I have accomplished so much more.

I am more efficient. I feel like I am accomplishing more. I have a much better system, but the important change is that I have more time for myself, and my work day is more organised.

I was sceptical to begin with, but it is THE best professional development I have done in a long, long time.

Paula Westhead
Emerge Women & Children’s Support Network

Setting aside just 15 minutes every morning can put you on a happier,
more fulfilling and productive path.

Let's Do This

Introducing the Take15 Program

You are not alone!
I will coach you through the first 30 days of the Take 15 system.

Take15 Helen Ebdon

Week 1

4 hr 'Live' Zoom
Group Workshop

An introduction to the Take15 program and the 5 key steps to effective productivity.

Walk away with everything you need to implement the Take15 system into your day.

Take15 Helen Ebdon

Week 2

30min 'Live' Zoom
one-on-one meeting

During this session, we will personalise the program to your specific needs. 

Individual meeting times to be confirmed.

Take15 Helen Ebdon

Week 3

2 hr 'Live' Zoom
Group Workshop

Learn how to:
Use the daily planner to manage larger projects easily and make time for tasks you know you should be doing but never seem to get to.

Take15 Helen Ebdon

Week 4

30min 'Live' Zoom
one-on-one meeting

A second opportunity to personalise Take15 to your specific needs. 

Individual meeting times to be confirmed.

Here's how it works

Take15 is a personal time management system that consists of 5 simple steps you do every morning before you start your working day.
This system is based on the latest brain science and takes no more than 15 minutes a day.

This isn't about productivity 'tips' this is a system which works!

In 5 simple steps you'll learn how to:

  • Minimise distractions and strengthen personal accountability
  • Take control of your day and easily manage your workload 
  • Easily prioritise tasks and effectively meet your deadlines 
  • Create a structure which supports you to stay focused all day
  • Work smarter, not harder


Take 15 is based on three simple principles
to maximise productivity and help you feel in control throughout the day

Helen Ebdon Take15


Helen Ebdon Take15

Record your

Helen Ebdon Take15

Understand how
your brain works

By maintaining a positive mindset and breaking your workload into realistic, manageable chunks, you’ll power through your tasks without feeling stressed and out of control. The most powerful aspect of the Take15 program is that you will gain the ability to reset and re-prioritise every day. 

Say goodbye to your to-do list and say hello to feeling fantastic, and finishing on time

"Who would’ve thought just 15 mins would be all the time I’d need to transform my day"
Philip Loft

"Take 15 continues to be the rock that keeps me focused. It’s indispensable."
Rob Frankiewicz

"Take15 is my bible, it’s my favourite new tool."
Justin O'Donnell

Take15 Helen Ebdon

Is this program for you?

  • Are you tired of racing the clock and feeling dissatisfied?
  • Do you feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day, despite working long hours?
  • Do you put in hours of work without making a dent in your to-do list?
  • Are you falling into the trap of wasting time on social media and other distractions?
  • Do you feel unsupported, like an imposter, doubt yourself, or have started wondering why you started out in the first place?
Learn More ...

"The Take 15 has given me a greater awareness of my actual 'available' time. 

I had been beating myself up, thinking I wasn't doing enough; but now, I'm not as hard on myself because I can now see that I'm more productive than I was giving myself credit for. 

Last week was a stressful week, I realised, to get through it, I had to give myself space and
I needed to be realistic about my expectations. 

It's only been a week, and I'm feeling so much better."

Paula Hanson

About the Take15 program.

When you plan each day to focus on what you CAN achieve, you break away from the old habits that just aren’t working.

The Take15 program can help you to:

Feel present, start achieving your goals and watch your productivity skyrocket

Become empowered and self-manage your work-day and schedule so you can make time for the important things in your life.

Walk in and out of the office with renewed vigour and remember why you loved what you do so much that you decided to make it your business.

I've helped many professionals work smarter not harder.
I know Take 15 can help you do the same.

Be Present. Be Productive.

You have two options to choose from to start your Take15 journey

The first option is to purchase the Take15 Do It Yourself package, which includes all the materials you need from the Week 1 foundation session to start Take15 the next day.
The second option is the Take15 Full 4-Week Program, which includes two group sessions (Week 1 and 3) and two 30-minute one-on-one live sessions with Helen (Week 2 and 4) to personalise Take15 specifically for your needs.


Take15 : Do it yourself

This ticket entitles you to the Take15 foundation session, which is the week 1 session only.

Including in the Take15 'Do It Yourself' are:

  • Week 1: Foundation Session. Four hour group session
  • Week 2: Personalised 30 min live coaching session
  • Week 3: A two hour group session
  • Week 4: Personalised 30 min live coaching session
  • Daily emails over 30 days to reinforce Take15 learnings
  • Take15 your personal one month daily guide

Your session will be LIVE, online with Helen Ebdon
and include your Take15 personal one month guide

Purchase ticket here


Take15 : Full 4-Week Program

This ticket entitles you to the Take15 Full 4-Week program.

Including in the Take15 'Full 4-Week Program ' are:

  • Week 1: Foundation Session. Four hour group session
  • Week 2: Personalised 30 min live coaching session
  • Week 3: A two hour group session
  • Week 4: Personalised 30 min live coaching session
  • Daily emails over 30 days to reinforce Take15 learnings
  • Take15 your personal one month daily guide


All sessions are LIVE, online with Helen Ebdon
and include your Take15 personal one month guide

The Take15 Program
Take15 Helen Ebdon

A little about me ...

Helen Ebdon
Developer and Facilitator of Take15

As the former director of two Graphic Design and Marketing Agency for over 17 years and now as a Business Coaching for the past 15 years, Helen understands first-hand the challenges business owners face in achieving their goals – especially when times are tough.

Looking back on two decades of starting, growing, and selling businesses, I wish someone had shown me how to pause, take an in-depth look at my working practices, and guide me to do that with confidence. I wish someone had shown me how to manage my workload so I didn’t feel constantly overwhelmed. 

Now, I work with business owners like you to manage their energy and tackle their workload to regain control and get back in the driver’s seat.  

I do this by delivering my Take15 life-changing program. I’ll show you how to master your accountability, making you more productive by utilising the latest research in applied brain science.

Ultimately, I’ll inspire you to fall in love with your work again.



Certified Business and Executive Coach

Cert IV in Training and Assessment

Creator and facilitator of Take 15

Take15 Helen Ebdon

When your productivity changes gear, you will love your work again.

Facing day after day of problems you can’t solve, shatters your self-confidence, rendering you less effective and unproductive.

Take15 Helen Ebdon

Give yourself the gift of 15 minutes every morning to focus your mind.

You’ll boost your productivity without fatiguing your precious prefrontal cortex and wonder why it’s taken you so long to find me.

Believe it – a happier, confident, and more fulfilled you runs circles around the tired, frustrated, stressed out you.

Take 15 will focus your mind and deliver fantastic productivity results using less time and effort than you’re putting in now – AND you’ll feel great.

Here's what past participants are saying

Helen Ebdon Take15

"Thank you to Helen Ebdon for her Take15 program.

Before I did the program, I was feeling stressed and I was wasn't getting through my never-ending to-do list.

I now happily take 15 minutes everyday to set myself up for the day and it is seriously life-changing. I feel so much more productive, efficient, and look forward to continuing to use the program for years to come.

If you are struggling with competing demands in life and in business, I highly recommend Helen's Take15 program as I know it will work."

Sam McFarlane

Helen Ebdon Take15

"For many years I have struggled to stay consistently productive. I tried to do lists and online planning tools but nothing worked for me.

Then I found the Take 15 program.

I was blown away by the power and simplicity of the program.

I started using it immediately after the first training session and haven't stopped since.
Nor will I.

I now get all my critical work done each day and am more productive than I have ever been. My mind is clearer and my energy levels are up. Plus when I'm with my family I am actually with them, not thinking about work.

For me Take 15 is life changing and it is the only program I have ever been through that I am comfortable saying that about.

In my view if you don't do this program you are saying it's OK for your day to run your life. It must be the other way around you must run your day.

I give Take 15 my highest possible endorsement."

William Siebler - The Marketing Mentor

Helen Ebdon Take15

" I consider myself an organised and structured person, however, at the start of this year, I started feeling more and more overwhelmed as a never ending to-do list began to build up in various aspects of my life, leaving me feeling disheartened and questioning my ability to be a successful business owner. 

It has helped me set up a more functional and productive work day, a hierarchy of priorities and helped switch my focus to how far I have come, rather than how much I still have to achieve.

I am now going home feeling more accomplished, happy to turn my laptop off at 6pm. I leave work at work, and I have my weekends back."

Dr Kate Adler, The Chiro Tree 


Be Present. Be Productive
Start each day with positive intentions to work through achievable goals.
You me and Take15.